

Ružojčić, M., Galić, Z., & Jerneić, Ž. (2021). How does implicit aggressiveness translate into counterproductive work behaviors? The role of job satisfaction and workplace anger. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Ružojčić, M., Galić, Z., Palanović, A., Kovačić, M. P., & Bubić, A. (2021). The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie–Using Eye-Tracking to Examine Faking on the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression. Journal of Personnel Psychology.

Erceg, N., Galić, Z., & Ružojčić, M. (2020). A reflection on cognitive reflection–testing convergent/divergent validity of two measures of cognitive reflection. Judgment and Decision Making15(5), 741-755.

Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M., Bubić, A., Trojak, N., Zeljko, L., & LeBreton, J. M. (2020). Measuring the motive for power using conditional reasoning: some preliminary findingsEuropean Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-17.

Erceg, N., Galić, Z., & Bubić, A. (2019, November 3). Who detects and why? Individual differences in abilities, knowledge and thinking dispositions among different types of problem solvers and their implications for the validity of reasoning tasks.

Conference presentations

Galić, Z. (2019). Assessing the unconscious: Contribution of implicit personality measures to the understanding of (organizational) behavior. Keynote lecture presented at the 24th Days of Ramiro and Zoran Bujas conference, Zagreb, Croatia.

Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M. &  Restubog, S. (2019). Integrating implicit and explicit personality: machiavellianism channels implicit aggressiveness into deviant workplace behavior. In J. Malte Runge &  J. W. B Lang (Chair), Implicit motives in I/O: New findings and practical applications. Symposium conducted at the 19tn EAWOP Congress, Turin, Italy.

Galić. Z., Trojak, N. & Ružojčić, M. (2019). A comparison of two paradigms for implicit power motive measurement in predicting organizational leadership criteria. In Z. Galić (Chair), Measuring unconscious: Opportunities of implicit personality measures for work and organizational psychology. Symposium conducted at the 19tn EAWOP Congress, Turin, Italy.

Erceg, N., Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M. & Palanović, A. (2019). Can cognitive reflection measurement be improved? A paper presented at the 24th Days of Ramiro and Zoran Bujas conference, Zagreb, Croatia.