Andreja Bubić
Andreja Bubić is an Associate Professor at the University of Split. She is a cognitive psychologist and she holds a PhD from the University of Leipzig and a post-doctoral training from Harvard. Before starting her current job, she spent a year post-doctoral researcher at A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston.
She is teaching a number of classes such as Educational Psychology, Psychology of Learning and Teaching, Psychology of Early Learning, Reasoning and Decision Making, Educational Neuroscience, Child and Creativity ,Statistics in Pedagogy and Applied Statistical Analyses.
Besides this project, she is currently a collaborator on Marie Sklodowska-Curie project “MIROR: Methods in research on research.” She is a widely published author whose work has appeared in outlets such as Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Journal of Happiness Studies, Frontiers in Psychology etc. For her work, she has been awarded with the Award for Science of the University of Split.