Zvonimir Galić
Zvonimir Galic is an associate professor at the Department of Occupational Psychology and Ergonomics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. He completed a series of training courses on contemporary statistical analysis (e.g. SEM, HLM, GLM), advanced topics in psychology of work and organizational psychology (1st and 2nd postdoctoral schools of the European Association for Occupational Psychology and Organizational Psychology).
He spent academic year 2012/2013. doing a postdoctoral training at Purdue University as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Award fellowship. During 2018, he was awarded a six-month research fellowship at the Australian National University, Endeavor Postdoctoral Research Award. He is one of the founders of the Interdisciplinary University Graduate Study in Human Resources Management and teaches postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb.
He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Vocational Behavior (publisher Elsevier) and the International Journal of Selection and Assessment (publisher Wiley).